Kathy Moore
by Colin R. Lambert and Kathy Moore.
Kathy shares how Auric / Magnetic Healing (AMH) became her passion and , over many years,
where it took her to.
She also knew it was extremely important to bring the in-depth work of (AMH) into a more professional focus for the public and Medical Fraternity. Kathy offered her administrative skills to Colin Lambert who said he was waiting for someone to ask. In 1997 she started and developed a protocol. The result being the MHU Guidelines, a Mission Statement and a Patient Handout that was put in place.
‘Magnetic Healers Unlimited’ was officially formed and Trade Marked at the Intellectual Property Office. Colin passed away in 2006, Kathy then held the position of CEO until 2021, Louise Lambert became the CEO and Kathy changed position to MHU Adviser.
In 2024 Kathy comments:
“The drive within me to do ‘Auric / Magnetic Healing (AMH) was so strong, especially being part of a Team of very talented Healers taught by Colin who had a passion of helping people to heal. The simplistic method was perfect for me, as I always felt that many modalities were too complex. Back in 1982 after receiving a positive healing experience myself, I was amazed at the success of it when the mainstream medical was unable to help me and was very fortunate to attend Colin R. Lambert’s Workshops.
I appreciated having first-hand advice while officiating at them in my local area.”

In 1987 my clients increased dramatically; they mostly came by word of mouth. Colin Lambert always taught in his classes - “Do your healing well and people will talk and share of their improved health.”
Half of these clients were men from all walks of life and sensitive too. Many males are drawn to learning AMH.
It is non-invasive, complementary to conventional medicine and extremely beneficial for pre-operative and post-op surgery patients.
In the late 1990's I opened up 4 Clinics
in the North Island:
Palmerston North, Masterton, Dannevirke and Foxton and set up a Company where I did AMH part time while working in the mainstream medical field and later moving into Veterinary nursing.
Being a leader and Adult Trainer in the Guide Movement, with the support of my husband and family, all those experiences helped immensely in my Practice of ‘Energy Healing’.
I eventually left Veterinary work as patient demand for AMH increased to become full time work.
• Over a 10-year period I had done 20,000 treatments, sometimes treating 6 patients a day for 1½ hours each. Now it’s 2024, I’m 74 years of age and after 37 years of Healing and Teaching, I’ve reduced my hours and only work in my Palmerston North Clinic.
• I’ve taught over 70 plus AMH Workshops in New Zealand, 4 in Australia and 1 in the UK. I was invited to teach about ‘Energy’ at our local University and also for a specific Health Class twice a year which I did for 10 years at UCOL.
• I’ve facilitated 24 MHU Conferences inviting Medical and Holistic Speakers from overseas and New Zealand. I’ve also compiled a Teacher’s Manual and Student Teaching Manuals to learn AMH.
I work in the magnetic field around the outside of the physical body, also known as an Aura.
I do not touch the physical body unless I’m putting in positive energy after the negative has been cleared.
My hands are very sensitive and I feel many sensations once I connect to a patient.
I am drawn to the source of many problems and at different distances out in the Auric field.
I feel various blocks, illnesses, toxins, within the body and Auric imbalances, then use the clearing method.
Over the years I have learnt to distinguish the differences and why the patients’ energy field is unbalanced. 98% of my sensitive patient’s comment how it feels like a magnet drawing inside them and they can feel many different other sensations too. Some ultimately fall asleep at some stage of the session.

respond especially well to magnetic healing as they are very open
to natural healing. Most tend to be very sensitive at a young age and tend to ‘feel’ the different sensations
throughout the treatment and ultimately react in a positive way. Some children
tell me what I am doing and where I am working, even with their eyes
closed. Some say it tickles and they feel bubbles inside and absolutely adore the
I have treated newborns with feeding issues, upset stomachs, birth trauma
and inherited medical problems. Older children for bed wetting, anxiety, night
terrors, skin allergies, ADHD, Tourette syndrome, hormone issues and bullying at
Those suffering psychically from nightmares will often open up to me, to talk
about hearing or seeing other beings. These children are very spiritual and
a trust formed knowing I can understand their dilemma. Treat them with AMH
suggest to them and their parents how to change the situation to help them sleep better.
I send them home with a spiritual exercise to do each evening and on their return visit, they have improved.
Many children are struggling at this time on the earth plane and sometimes they need another or a few energy healings alongside their other treatments, which helps them to stay in balance. It’s also important for them to continue with other alternative or conventional treatments, if and when needed.
as they love the feel of it. When extremely sick or had an accident, they can respond quicker to medical treatment if Energy Healing is combined alongside Veterinary treatment.
I experienced this when Vet nursing. When given the opportunity to combine, most cases showed a decrease in pain and a faster recovery rate.
• In my own Clinic I once was treating a 9-year-old heading dog for a farmer who was told after x-rays that his dog would never work again; 2 accidents involving 2 legs, I treated his hips, legs and spine. 3 weeks recuperating after his healing, he was back working on lower hill country as had completely recovered. The healing was completely done in the animal’s energy field and without touch. The Vets were astonished when reviewing the following X-Rays.
• Auric / Magnetic Healing after surgery is very helpful for all animals as can help to remove inflammation, pain and side effects from medication.
• I have treated dogs, cats, horses, roosters, hens, birds and fish. Some changes are instant, many have improved by a few hours up to 3 days. Of course, inherent eye, heart, lung, orthopaedic, stomach issues, kidney disease, diabetes, skin issues, hit by a car; still need Veterinarian care.
• As an AMH, not knowing beforehand the animal’s problems, my hands are drawn straight to the cause to help release the symptoms and the animal responds immediately in a positive way. They tend to relax, flick a leg on release, go to lick my hands, doze off. Reactions astonish many owners.
• On a second visit for a check-up, it’s good to see a dog run into my Clinic and lay down quickly for another treatment.

After Surgery

Healing A Chook Website Feb 24

Healing Dog After Surgery 2023 Website Feb 24
• Other than the spiritual essence of a patient, I see a body differently to conventional medicine.
I liken it to an electrical machine which has become out of phase.
• By working in the auric field, I feel how the polarity of the cells have become negative for various reasons and I work with the energy of the person laying on my healing couch to help realign it. Some patients are easier to treat depending on many factors including belief of self and life style. The more difficult patients may have mental, emotional, physical problems and need more than one healing session. In some cases, I feel I’ve been pulled into a huge electrical storm or two and it’s wonderful to feel the clear, calm pool arrive towards and at the end of the session.
• Genetic diseases in most cases cannot be changed but the AMH can help to alleviate their pain and anguish.
• Over the years I have treated many people of all ages, life styles and a variety of careers, all religions and cultures. They seek this particular modality via ‘word of mouth’ from their friends, workmates, family or from having read Colin Lambert’s books; or viewing the MHU Web Site.
• I have had follow up reports that the patient/s have made a visit back to their Doctor after AMH and the Doctor/s sighted visual differences and saw the positive follow up tests back, which astounded them at the time. These tests via, blood, urine tests, CT, MRI’s and X-Rays have shown that positive changes have occurred and luckily without any other intervention first, other than ‘Auric / Magnetic Healing’.
• One patient some years ago, had kidney disease and was waiting for a transplant. Couldn’t tolerate dialysis so had AMH every week for the first few months. The hospital noticed the blood improving, without dialysis and asked the patient about it. On learning about the method, the Doctor said to keep it up the AMH as it seemed to be helping.
This patient was treated by AMH alone for many years and told me I was keeping them alive. The patient finally received a transplant and doing well. Only needs healing 6 monthly as a top up and checkup.