Louise Lambert

“I am Louise, Colin Lambert’s eldest Granddaughter, and I have taken on the title of Chief Executive from Granddad since his passing in 2006.
My role with ‘Magnetic Healers Unlimited™’ also known as MHU, is to sign future certificates and validations for certificate members and to assist the National/International Co-ordinator in the running of MHU.
My grandfather was loved and admired by many, thought of by hundreds and has inspired thousands around the world of his beliefs. And that is what it is – a belief in the healing and in yourself. It is what drives us and helps us to achieve.
This website is to give you information and explain about ‘Auric/Magnetic Healing’, and if this is the right modality for you to pursue. There are links to Practitioners, workshops available, and testimonials from past and present clients.
I grew up with minimal visits to the local doctor. Instead we would go up and visit Granddad. Go down the hallway into Granddad’s healing room – quite an adventure for a young child. You accepted what he was doing, as he would make you feel well again. It wasn’t until a few years later that I became a bit more involved. Obviously over the years we knew Granddad was off overseas, teaching and healing for those who needed him and had requested him. In my late teens whilst living in Queenstown, Granddad was down there touring, so of course off I went to support him at the local workshop. I also wanted to have a go at the healing myself.
It is very nerve-wracking and takes you out of your comfort zone, when you do your first public attempt at healing, especially with your ‘famous’ Grandfather there. Anyway it was fine and I felt the energy straight away and I am sure Granddad was proud.
I reside in the beautiful Bay of Plenty, overlooking the ocean, with my partner Lance, and our two beautiful children. It’s good to be back in New Zealand after spending 8 years in Queensland, Australia. I grew up in the area and its felt like coming home to a place that is very dear in my heart, and living in an area that has strong energy.
Throughout the last 20 years or so I have worked on many people and am sure I will work on many more.
For me it is very exciting and humbling working with clients. It is exciting that I am channelling energy from the universal energy and helping people. We are all one. I will end this with a quote which I have heard many, many, many, times over the years from Granddad.
Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open
I ask you to open yours,
Love and light
Louise Lambert
Chief executive ‘Magnetic Healers Unlimited™’