Colin R. Lambert
21.3.1920 – 12.2.2006

At least 35,000 people travelled to Colin’s healing room in Waihi from one end of New Zealand to the other, some as far afield as Hawaii, Holland and several parts of Australia. One lady travelled from Belgium, a man from South Africia.
He received hundreds of letters from those who claimed to have been healed from incurable diseases. He was reported in the N.Z. Truth in 1987 ‘as probably New Zealand’s best known “alternative” medicine man’.
“Changing people’s lives is what I’m all about,” said Colin. “First, a person’s thinking patterns need to change because everything happens in the head.
He spoke on radio and even made a T.V. documentary about magnetic healing in Santa Fe and demonstrated in many hospitals there.
In Vermount, U.S.A., he appeared as a guest in “Health & Longevity’ a radio programme headed by a doctor. The doctor began by asking Colin to explain magnetic healing. Colin’s surprising response was, “I’m not going to answer that question myself, instead I am going to ask somebody else to do it because I couldn’t do a better job than he did. You won’t have met him, because it is nearly two and a half thousand years since he was on the planet, but as a medical person, I am sure you will know him very well. He was Hippocrates, the one you call the ‘father of medicine’.” All doctors take the Hippocratic Oath on graduating.
“The heat which oozes out of the hand, on being applied to the sick, is highly salutary. It has often appeared while I have been thus soothing my patient, as if there were a singular property in my hands to pull and draw away from the affected parts, aches and diverse impurities, by laying my hand upon the place, and by extending my fingers towards it”.
“This,” explained Colin “is precisely what I call magnetic healing.” “But the thing I don’t understand,” Colin said, addressing the doctor, “is that when someone like me comes along, following Hippocrates instructions to the letter, I am chased away!”
Colin though, did concede that things were slowly beginning to change. In fact, energy as a therapy was being used in many forms in Europe and USA then, while a member of the medical profession in Los Angeles said that official acceptance of subtle energies and energy medicine is just around the corner for Western medical science. Colin said that it will be the inevitable three step pattern of all great innovative ideas. First it will be ridiculed, then it will be tolerated and finally it will be held a self evident truth by everybody.
Colin believed that, once people overcame the barrier of what he called ‘unreal science’, all things became possible to them.
Western medicine, with its emphasis on surgery and medication, sees the body as a single functioning organism, whereas the holistic school views the body as a community of individual cells linked by a flow of energy. This energy is essentially magnetic or electrical in nature. Illness comes about when the flow of this energy around the body is interrupted. It is the healer’s job to find where this blockage occurs, and it may not be in the area in which the pain has manifested itself. Colin taught that once the block was located, the healer must restore the flow using their abilities to harness and direct the flow of universal forces.
“A magnetic healer is someone who works on the magnetic field around the body, rather than working on the body itself” he said. “Like a water diviner who uses a wand to determine what is under the ground. Where the hand stops and can hardly move, that’s where a magnetic healer knows where the problem is. With the positive energy generated by the healing hands, one can remove the block in this field which surrounds the body of the patient drawing the corresponding cause away, and replacing it with higher light vibrations, therefore assisting the healing process.”
He taught how the God force or Healing Energy will pass through the magnetic healer in order to restore the cells of an ailing body, back to their normal vibration.
He said “I see a body differently to what a conventional doctor does. I see it as an electrical machine which has become out of phase. It is no use trying to treat it with drugs or a knife – I use the electrical fields which create an aura throughout our bodies, to restore the polarity of the cells which have become negative.
“A magnetic healer is someone who works on the magnetic field around the body, rather than working on the body itself” he said. “Like a water diviner who uses a wand to determine what is under the ground. Where the hand stops and can hardly move, that’s where a magnetic healer knows where the problem is. With the positive energy generated by the healing hands, one can remove the block in this field which surrounds the body of the patient drawing the corresponding cause away, and replacing it with higher light vibrations, therefore assisting the healing process.”
He taught how the God force or Healing Energy will pass through the magnetic healer in order to restore the cells of an ailing body, back to their normal vibration.
He said “I see a body differently to what a conventional doctor does. I see it as an electrical machine which has become out of phase. It is no use trying to treat it with drugs or a knife – I use the electrical fields which create an aura throughout our bodies, to restore the polarity of the cells which have become negative.
There is only one thing wrong with this magnetic healing,” said Colin, ‘and that’s the fact that it is too damn simple!” And because of this, it is impossible to get educated, scientific medical people to accept that anything so simple could be so effective. An angry doctor once said to Colin, ‘how could you possibly heal anyone, you don’t even know where all the organs are!” A doctor’s training keeps him on the physical level which is very limited, while a magnetic healer works on the higher frequency energy which supersedes those limits straight away.
“As far as I am concerned,” said Colin, “there is nothing else but energy. It exists throughout an endless universe in many forms and frequencies of vibrations.”
“We are polluting our land and our bodies. You can fool nature for a certain time but the law of cause and effect you cannot break. You make the cause and nature will produce the effect.” “There are natural remedies we can use without any side effects. Approximately one third of the elderly in hospitals are there to be treated for problems arising from previous medication,” he said.
In his own healing practice, Mr Lambert says he never directs people to discontinue orthodox medical treatment. After he had treated them, he would tell them they had to decide themselves whether they feel fit and well enough to go off them.
In 2005, as he approached his 86th year Colin completed his sixth book “THE ALL THAT IS.” In it he says: “As I look back now at those wonderful years I can’t help feeling that there must have been 48 hours in every day instead of 24. How else did I manage to not only attend to all those who came to seek my help, but to write five books between flying out of Auckland Airport 25 times to go somewhere overseas to lecture and to teach Magnetic Healing to so many people”.
He continued to appear on overseas and N.Z. television and talked on many radio stations over the years. Sometimes he gained access to medical wards of several hospitals where he demonstrated his technique. He took 5 trips to different parts of the United States, several excursions around most of Australia, visits to Canada, England, Wales, South Africa, Vanuatu and Norfolk Island.
With the number of patients who benefited from his healing hands, to the students he taught through hundreds of workshops, it was exciting for Colin to know he had a legacy of students here and around the world following in his footsteps.
In 1998 Colin founded “Magnetic Healers Unlimited”. He was joined by Kathy Moore, Magnetic Healer from Palmerston North. She became National / International Co-ordinator to set up and run the organisation to support various magnetic healers throughout New Zealand and other countries that he had taught.
Also known as MHU, a Mission Statement, Ethics and Protocol was put in place for practising members. Trademarked in 2002 with a registered Logo, Colin contributed to Newsletters and Bi-annual Seminars to help further his students’ skills to become professional when working with the public.
He was excited when plans for the Web Site were put in place in 2006; showing his teachings, where to buy his books, C.D’s and DVD, how to access other Certified Magnetic Healers in New Zealand, view patient testimonials and updates.
The modality wording also changed to ‘Auric / Magnetic Healing’ to promote that the healers were not using magnets but their hands in the ‘Auric field’ above the physical body.
With the sad loss of Colin on 12th February, 2006 “Magnetic Healers Unlimited” proudly welcomed his granddaughter Louise Lambert who now takes his place as Chief Executive.