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Workshops & Events

Healing the Aura & Physical Body Workshops

Auric / Magnetic Healers use their hands to scan, recognise areas of injury and trauma within the energy field and physical body of the patient without prior knowledge of their problems. They use a ‘drawing out method and flicking’ to help free blocks, inflammation and trauma, treating the patient with their own energy field and channelling of universal energy through their healing hands.

This Web Site explains - How it Works, advertises Workshops, MHU Certified Practitioners, Sells Colin’s books, C.D’s & ‘Energy Checker’

  • These courses are open to the Public, Complimentary & Medical Practitioners.
  • Can be used by itself or incorporated with other modalities.
  • Positive health changes have been experienced by countless people and have been validated by scans and x-rays after treatment.

4 Teachers 72 years combined healing experience


2 years teaching experience

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022 134 6800


2 years teaching experience

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021 880 438


21 years teaching experience

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 027 406 7750


21 years teaching experience

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A form can be emailed or posted to you with details of venue etc.

  • The weekend course runs from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. both days. It is intensive with theory and practical sessions throughout the day. We provide a 60 page Manual with diagrams each day. Students practise on each other and are guided by the Teachers one on one.
  • The second day is important as it focuses on the AMH technique for each student to treat invited patients in the morning along with feedback. Then learning the ‘Distant Healing’ procedure in the afternoon with feedback from the Patient’s and Teachers.
  • Invited animals arrive late afternoon for the students to experience using their skill on the delightful dogs, cats, birds and sometimes horses.
  • Students are reminded that it is imperative to continue practicing the method to become proficient with it.
  • Students are also advised to join Magnetic Healers Unlimited™ for Guidelines, Ethics and guidance from the professional healing organisation with protocols set in place for all Members to follow when working with the public and animals.

DAY ONE BASIC 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. MANUAL ONE – 60 pages

  • Introduction to energy – ‘what is it?’
  • What is ‘Auric / Magnetic Healing?
  • What is the difference to other ‘Energy Healing’ modalities
  • How and who ‘Auric / Magnetic Healing’ can help.
  • Magnetic Healers Unlimited™ Mission Statement, Guidelines and Ethics for patient care.
  • Colin R. Lambert’s Quotes & teachings
  • What is the Aura
  • Prerequisites before you treat others.
  • Caring for the Healer and the Healing Room
  • Channelling knowledge needed
  • Chakras and the Endocrine system linked.
  • Scientific Research and assessment of the Human Aura.


  • How to perceive the Energy Field yourself.
  • Energy protection
  • Demonstration and Hands on experience.
  • How to cleanse the blood first.
  • Starting and finishing preparation method for Auric / Magnetic Healing
  • How to use the ‘Energy Checker’ (MHU Dowser)

Day Two Basic 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Manual Two – 60 pages

  • Revision from homework
  • Meditation and centering
  • Tips on preparing your room for healing
  • Your guidance, are they there?
  • Energy Awareness
  • Using your senses for healing others
  • What is dross, how does it feel or look?
  • Energy Sickness, how to look after yourself.
  • Importance of patient follow up handout
  • Basic Anatomy
  • Endocrine and Chakra meanings
  • Chakra System of Animals and location of organs & skeletal.


  • Invited patient provided for feedback
  • Absent Healing session with patient feedback
  • Live Animal Healing
  • How to use: ‘Energy Checker’ for feedback.


Must be a registered and a practicing member of ‘Magnetic Healers Unlimited’ for 6 months before application and updated every 2 years. Then: entitled to advertise on the MHU Web Site Certified Practitioners page


The next workshop will be displayed soon


REVIEWS received after recent Workshops
First I sincerely thank Mr. Colin Lambert, like some of his readers I too stopped half way through reading and looked him up on the computer – from there to the awesome introduction to yourself and Kathy.
The October workshop blew me away – meeting the other students, animals and healers was a bonus. From that meeting 5 months ago I have turned a grotty old garage into an ‘Auric / Magnetic Healing Studio. 2018
Thank you for a beautiful weekend of Auric/Magnetic Healing in Taupo. It was lovely to receive facilitation from two souls whose intent for delivery and integrity was pure and in alignment with all that is. I am already enjoying integrating and incorporating techniques with clients. As fellow Healers, may you continue to uplift, inspire and bring peace to all those you connect with. Thank you again.
I'm loving my teaching journey with Auric/Magnetic Healing, it's so very rewarding in many ways.
‘Thank you very much for Saturday that was a lovely course and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel I got quite a lot out of it and I’m very excited about the next one.
You celebrated each one of us as beautiful unique beings who have something wonderful to bring to the world. You watched over us as we worked, as a shepherd takes care of his flock. Your words, or rather, the words that were left unsaid, spoke volumes about the Universe, reflected in the twinkle in your eyes. What a wonderful Universe! I'm ready to be all that I can be. Thank you so very much
After that amazing weekend healing course I am still on a high but slowly coming back to earth..... I look forward to hearing from you and want to say a big thanks for the weekend, putting together such a neat group of people and for the things I learnt. The absent healing totally blew me away - it was AMAZING! Thank you so much
My energy checker has brought enlightenment and peace to everyone I have introduced to it. Not surprisingly I call it Colin . . . . . so no longer an 'it' but a dear friend, who always made me smile with his discernment, wisdom and gentle, teasing sense of humour. I think of you and your guidance often with the same smile and recognition of something which is just beyond me, yet beckons me forward to . . I know not where.

Students being taught at recent workshops

Two chooks sat quietly which surprised students treating them

Absent healing record taking ready for test results

Christchurch student concentrating while doing an Absent Healing

Christchurch student, hands in Aura feeling tension to clear

Lyn checking student’s progress

Palmerston Nth: Lyn helping student find source of problem

Held by Kathy, cat relaxes

Smiling patient feeling difference

Cupping technique

Kathy: Demo how to clear blood first.

Horse fell asleep in students care

Blenheim Workshop, happy dog

Submissive Golden Retriever picking up on students healing

Christchurch student finding the source of the problem