A collection of our Books.
Colin R. Lambert’s first 4 books are out of print and can be purchased as e-books.

Somewhere within the inner depths of the mind of man, lies the inevitable question, “Why am I here.”? The author of this book asked himself these questions many years ago, and has spent those years seeking the answers. The most important truth which this book sets out to prove, is the one basic fact, that man is undoubtedly much more than mere flesh and blood. The truths contained here, can leave little doubt in the mind of the reader that man is first and foremost, Spirit, and secondly, a physical being.

Here's Why
In past years, Colin Lambert had attracted a tremendous following and his magnetic healing techniques, as described in ‘Here’s Why,’ have brought many thousands from around the World to his clinic in New Zealand, with often incredible results. He has been the rarest of authors, as one who can inspire as well as inform. From compelling accounts of his many visits with wonderful healers overseas, this enlightened author convincingly demonstrates that the key to mankind’s future may well lie within the realm of what is now considered the unorthodox.

Magnetic Healing & Other Realities
This book was destined to bring exciting new levels of awareness and upliftment to many.
New concepts of life, here and in the hereafter, challenge orthodox beliefs in medicine, science and religion. Following his last book, ’Here’s Why’, more than 20,000 patients have thrilled to the touch of his healing hands. In talking and writing simply and directly he has attracted a tremendous following, and through his healing techniques has often achieved truly incredible results.

You Too Can Heal
The author brings together for his readers, the combined experience of the healing of some thirty thousand patients over the past twenty years, plus two lecture tours of USA. Taught several hundred students in Maui, across a large part of Australia, and from one end of New Zealand to the other. Soak up the thoughts and ideas contained within its pages and realise your great potential as a healer. This book has always been a firm favourite with a lot of new healers.
Colin R. Lambert’s last 2 books are still in stock as hard copies

Healers Unlimited
By far the most important discovery Colin Lambert has made in all his healing years was the realisation that nearly everyone has this ability to be used as a channel for the healing energy or love force as he often called it, lying dormant within them waiting to be recognised. If it is your desire to make this discovery for yourself, then within the pages of this book you will find the key which will open the door to a joyous new life of service to mankind.

The All That is
In his 86th year there was still a wealth of experience in healing and teaching many others, which would need to be passed on to anyone with an open enough mind to make the effort to seek within the pages of this his last book. Read for yourself some of the short extracts from just a few of his many letters and cards he received from his patients and students. He has left behind him, all over New Zealand and in several countries around the world, many of his students who are following in his footsteps.